About Our House of Reformation

Healing and Deliverance Ministry in Maryland

New Life Hope Ministries (NLHM), "The House of Reformation," is an Apostolic, healing and deliverance ministry focused on spreading God's word globally, offering biblical education classes, counseling, mentoring, and consulting services. Our mission is to rebuild lives, restore hope, repair the brokenness of individuals, renew mindsets, and reform man's behavior back to its original state in God. We offer a wide range of services, including individual, pre-marital, marriage and grief counseling, funeral services, wedding ceremonies, and outreach programs such as "Operation Help the Homeless" and "The Fruit of the Spirit Campaign." If you're looking for a supportive and compassionate community, we invite you to give us a call at (304) 607-4282, for more details about our ministry and services.

Keep in Touch

"The Lord is High Above All Nations, and His Glory Above the Heavens." - Psalm 113:4

Thank you for contacting New Life Hope Ministries. We are here to serve God by restoring souls to Him and serving our community. If you want to join us in our mission, or have any questions or comments, we'll be very happy to talk to you. Please, use the form below to contact us. 

God bless you.